June 15, 2015

Removing the Yoni Egg + Realizations

This has been honestly one of my fears because part of me has doubt if I can remove a yoni egg because I thought it would get stuck FOREVER. I obviously didn't know what to expect or feel because nobody taught me how. I did my research on the how, but still... it makes me anxious if I'd be able to do it. This is going to be a self-discovery for me.

I had the stone inside of me for the last 4-5days. I didn't know I could go on for that long! I heard some women could go on for weeks. I guess my yoni egg wanted to settle inside my womb for a bit. Sometimes I forget that I have an egg inside of me! I try feeling it just to be sure and do kegel exercises while I am at it.

Something comes along the way and this fear (whatever this is that bugs me) starts to rise in me. I could feel this fear; some stuff unresolved. I got to learn to relax, breathe and trust the process. I obviously couldn't get away from it. Something as this simple technique can bring up to a lot of old stuff... and that is why I am here on this journey -- get rid of that 'old stuff'.

Before inserting my yoni egg, I was more attuned to my body and to the stone. I was excited because in just a few minutes this beautiful egg will be inside my body. It is an intimate sacred ritual for me as a woman. It just fills me up and much conscious in the space that I was repressing for years! I wasn't scared that I am doing something like this just for me. Who knew something this precious is crafted for my sacred space. How come nobody taught me this? I mean, really!

Just thinking about it makes me all hyped up to get myself another yoni egg. I'm thinking of getting myself a larger egg to really work on my vaginal muscles... but I'm still in the middle of a debate. You and I will soon find out.

My Rose Quartz yoni egg is a medium size undrilled egg. Drilled yoni eggs has a hole at the narrowest portion so a string can be inserted for easy removal. I have my options, but I decided to get myself an undrilled egg and experience the unknown. Doesn't that sound a little scary? I am here to get to know my yoni, my relationship with my body and FEEL all these feelings -- good and bad -- that may arise within me. One thing I have learned is that: I cannot stop the bad things happening around me. I am not saying just accept them either, but feel these emotions and acknowledge them with an open heart. Stuck energy in the body is bad; keep the flow going. I am learning a lot. :) I still have some stuff I need to work on in me. It's not easy, but I had to let go what no longer serves me.
How can a yoni egg cleanse my womb? The thing about our emotions is this -- we store them in our bodies, and women tend to store a lot of negative emotions in the yoni area. When you have body work like massage done, to when you exercise, you release emotional charges that have built up in your tissues. Because a yoni egg exercises the yoni, your muscles will release emotional buildup and clear psychic debris from this area each time you use your egg. Based on the energetic properties of your stone, you can get very specific with your healing intent. For instance, using a braccieated red jasper yoni egg can energetically cleanse your womb of sexual shame. You can then switch it up and use a rose quartz yoni egg to infuse some gentle loving energy in the womb. You might then have some fun using a unakite yoni egg to amplify your manifesting powers. --thegoddessdiaries
I had my yoni egg for 4-5days and I successfully pushed the yoni egg just hours ago. I did it! Squatting is a good position to push the egg out. (Do it inside the bathroom) It took concentration, deep breathing and push to get my yoni egg out with ease. I caught it in my hands just in time and buried it in the soil to charge it energetically. Of course I shouldn't overdo the exercise. I still want my pelvic muscles toned and flexible and not stress the muscles too much as it can lead to an opposite effect. We don't want that to happen.

So there you have it! I did it! This was my 3rd insertion over the last month and two weeks by the way. :) I better space the next one weeks from now.

Deep down, I want to thank someone who got me into this path. It was this person who inspired me to look at myself from within. It was an unexpected day of my life and I am happy this person showed me the BS I was in. It was that day that I will not forget. Since that day I looked for answers everywhere, and still am as I stitch every pieces together. And each day I keep it as a reminder of what has to be done. To this person, I THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART. I wish I can tell it to this person personally... if I can, that is. This person's inner strength is very admirable... but something also tells me this person has an issue that needs to be worked on. Nobody is perfect. We all go through some darkness in our lives.

Whoa! My heart poured out today. I can't help myself. :)

UPDATE: July 10, 2015
I want to practice on how to push the yoni egg out in me at will. I had my medium undrilled Rose Quartz yoni egg inside me the last few days and, for some reason, I was scared. There goes those unresolved stuff in me. *smiles* It took me courage to push the yoni egg out even though I already did it before. I am definitely learning something new about me. This is about me taking my time, patience, trust and developing a relationship with my body. I could touch the stone inside of me; my muscles were tense and warm and, as I relax, I tried guiding its way. And within few minutes, the stone was out! I thanked my yoni egg and buried it under the ground immediately.

I do not know any woman in my area who uses yoni eggs so imagine I had to look online for answers. I could feel in me after I listened to an hour long webinar that I wanted a yoni egg. I really do. I have no idea I had a part in me that would go through something like this. This is all about me. I am doing this for me. My husband was scared for me when I first inserted a yoni egg. I can recall the look on his face when I told him about it. I told him it was okay and not to worry... even though I'm kind of a bit worried myself. LOL! But now he is totally fine about it and supports me with these yoni eggs.


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