May 10, 2015

Rose Quartz Yoni Egg Experience

Here is my experience after using my Rose Quartz Yoni Egg. This is my first yoni egg and I am happy I get to be introduced to this tool to help me in my journey -- to heal myself from the inside out. It is a medium undrilled egg which definitely makes me vulnerable and trust the process completely. It was definitely the day my yoni (vagina) was ready to receive the egg. I could feel it. It was sensually waiting. I wasn't scared. I trust that this will be an experience that I will not forget. I let go of control and breathe and surrender what this stone has in store for me.
Consciously using a Yoni Egg can be effective tool both to chaining pattern of the cellular memory and assisting in regaining a healthy balance in the sensual tissues. Our traumas hold within them a doorway into our most potent gifts, as very often we have blockages in the areas that we are most powerful. -Mystical Femininity
I am equipped with all the facts I needed to know. This wasn't something I had to get it done as soon as possible; this is not something goal-oriented. It is about taking my time and enjoy every moment with my yoni egg. If the time is right, I'll just know.

The day I had the yoni egg in my hands, I immediately started to bond with it: placed it under my pillow inside a pouch before I sleep; charge it under the sun and under the full moon; meditate with it and feel it. Intuitively, I just knew what my yoni egg wanted.

Few days ago, I steamed my yoni with red roses as a way to prepare my yoni to receive the stone. I knew I had to get to cleanse and nourish my yoni before the sacred ritual. (The yoni steam is delicious treat to my yoni!)

When it was time, I let myself relax and breathe deeply. I made sure I was comfortable. I spritzed some perfume all over the room and lighted a vanilla scented candle. I let it submerged in a bowl of boiled water (not boiling hot, but hot enough that I can safely stick my finger in so I know it is safe for my yoni egg) for 15 minutes before inserting. I whispered my intentions to my yoni egg. I let my body feel what it it feels good to me. I coated the yoni egg with coconut oil and gently inserted it inside of me. I was smiling as I welcome it.

Update: June 3, 2015
Here is my Rose Quartz Yoni Egg. It is so beautiful for my yoni!!!

What to do once the yoni egg is inside the vagina? Dance. Meditate. Journal my feelings. Acknowledge the negative emotions in the womb and just it let it be without judgement. Exercise the pelvic muscles. Love my body with the yoni egg inside. Feel the yoni egg inside the womb.

As soon as I inserted it, I hardly felt the yoni egg inside of me. I know it won't get lost inside my vagina. I did felt a slight movement of my pelvic muscles. I tried squeezing the yoni egg... but I couldn't feel it at all. For the first few hours I felt calm. I meditated. I was focused on my womb more now that my yoni egg is inside of me. I paid much attention to my energy rather than try and figure out everyone else's. It is draining to be with other people's space or energy especially if it isn't a positive one. I could feel that. But for now, this is all about me.

For the whole day, I started to feel like something sucked inside of me. Probably negative energies I had I kept for years. I also felt slightly hot and tired throughout the day. My eyes were a little watery. Still focusing on my womb space, I breathe and relaxed myself. Let go of control and surrender.

I tested it out while I was in one occasion. I asked someone with questions that I knew will upset me. (EDIT: I WAS ALREADY READY TO LET THIS PERSON GO EVEN BEFORE INSERTING MY EGG.) But it was quite the opposite: I felt compassion for the other person. I felt the love for me. I didn't focused too much on the other person if he/she liked me, but just let it go. Whatever it was he/she was feeling, I have no control over it but love, compassion and peace for myself. Just for me. THIS IS ALL ABOUT ME.

...and when I got home, after I used the bathroom, my yoni egg flopped out. Yup. It happens to every woman who uses the yoni egg. I don't want it yet to leave, but it did. Make sure the bathroom is always clean. :)

When I picked it up and cleansed it with mild soap and charge it energetically by burying it under the soil, smudge with sage or let it sit under the sun or full moon. I also noticed my yoni egg turned pale/white. I sent an email to their (OrganicBlood) customer service about it and here is their response:

The fact that the egg has transformed slightly in color doesn't represent tarnish of the stone's quality. Many women have reported noticing their quartz stones shifting in color perhaps as a sign of pulling certain negative energies out of them into the stone. Your stone may be continuously evolving just as you are. If you have not experience any negative side effects in your body, please use your best discretion when inserting.

If you are asking how long I should let my yoni egg be buried under the soil, it all depends on what I feel. If it's ready, I'd just feel it. And start over when the time is called for. There is no rush. I give it time.

I think every woman who is ready to take on this journey should use yoni eggs. It is a beautiful gift for any woman. There are lots of yoni eggs to choose from and the one that really draws you, is the yoni egg for you. This is a change from the inside out. Look inward and adore our femininity. I will continue using yoni eggs and add more if my body calls for it. I love listening to other women's journey when they used their yoni egg and watch them blossom from the inside.

Yoni Eggs are not advised for women who are: pregnant or think they are pregnant; are in their period; has IUD; vaginal infection (cure it first); the feel they have to be in control; or are in fear.

Important: Purchase quality yoni eggs, not fake ones.


May 7, 2015

Yoni Steam

I did it! I've been thinking about this for months, and I finally did it! Why nobody taught me this? I am in love with it! It was calming and very soothing for me and my yoni. (Yoni is sanskirt for vagina) I bought three red roses for myself yesterday on my way home. This guy asked me what the red roses are for. I didn't tell him. *smiles* This is definitely something for me.

Yoni Steaming is to steam the vagina with herb infused water to nourish, detox and cleanse. It's useful for a number of issues such as yeast infections, uterine fibroids, infertility, irregular to painful periods, and vaginal dryness. Pick the herbs that your yoni needs. The herbs have its different purpose for your yoni.
How does a Yoni Steam work? 
A yoni steam is done much like a facial or nasal steam, except that in this case, a woman allows the steam from a pot with boiled water and herbs to reach the outer lips of her vagina. The tissues of the vagina are exceptionally porous and absorbent, and the warmth of the steam works to soften and open them. 
When the herbs are placed in the hot water, their medicinal properties, including volatile oils are released and carried to the surface of your skin, and to the inside of the vagina, where they are absorbed into the bloodstream and into the uterus. The herbal steam increases circulation, thins mucus, and cleanses the entire reproductive system, allowing it to shed unnecessary membranes and build-up. The results are varied, and amazing. 

I was thinking what other herbs I could use other than roses for my yoni steam. Then it hit me... my body only preferred red roses and nothing else. I like it that I do not need to follow anyone else's 'yoni steam recipe'. I used my intuition and just feel what my body needs.

Here are some herbs used traditionally in a yoni steam: Naturally Fertility
  • Rose petals - Gentle and astringent to tissues of the genitals. A relaxing and uplifting herb.
  • Rosemary - Increases circulation to the reproductive organs, aids in clearing out of old fluids, is also antiseptic and purifying.
  • Lavender - One of the most relaxing herbs, calms the mind and body. Nourishing to the nervous system. Lavender is antiseptic to the vaginal tissues. It is also an antispasmodic, aiding in healthy uterine function.

How to Prepare a Yoni Steam:

1. Find a private space in your home where you can do your yoni steam. You don't want to be disturbed by anyone while you are at it. This is all about you and your yoni.

2. Boil a pot of water with your chosen herbs. Let it steep for few minutes. Place the pot under the open-seated stool, where the steam can pass through.

If you can't find one of these, you can make one of your own.

3. Check to see if the steam is warm, not hot. Do not sit down until the temperature is comfortable for you. The genitals are sensitive to heat.

4. Get yourself naked from the waist down and sit. Wrap yourself with a blanket down to the ground to contain the steam.

5. Wrap your upper body with another blanket to keep yourself warm.

6. Steam for about 20-30 minutes. Relax. You can read a book, meditate, listen to music or journal during your yoni steam.

7. Lie down in your bed for the night after your yoni steam. Protect your entire body from cold drafts, keep warm and avoid sudden temperature changes. After a treatment, drink a lot of water to flush out your system.

8. Keep the pot you used during your yoni steam separate from the rest of the pots. We want to keep everything hygienic. :)


A yoni steam is NOT advised for women who are: in their period, have vaginal infections, open wounds, any piercings, if you are pregnant or if you think you are pregnant. Do NOT use essential oils; use only dried or fresh herbs.

My Experience:

It was relaxing. I love that warmth rising to my yoni. It was a beautiful experience! Every woman should do this because it does feel good. It sensually awakens the senses of my yoni. It feels different afterwards, like, I am in touch of myself as a woman. It feels very intimate and sexy. This will definitely be part of my monthly routine.

I am happy I finally did this for my yoni. It makes me excited to try other other herbs, and get it mixed in one pot for my yoni. I would love to purchase online some blends all packed and ready for my yoni steam at home. Doesn't it sound delicious?
