

This is a personal blog created for general information purposes only. Each of us has a different skin care type and need; individual experience may vary.

I am not a professional in whatsoever. These products are tried and tested by me. I give my 100% honest review based on my personal experience without the influence of others in any way.

Be it in consideration that my opinion may change without subject of notice according to circumstances.

I am not paid, linked or affiliated to any company mentioned in this blog. I've purchased every single item with my own money.

All links and 'borrowed' images, as a benefit for the readers and not meant to be advertisements, will be credited and be linked accordingly.

I have the right to remove comments without notice that I don't feel appropriate, or anything that is not related to a certain post.


  1. Hiya, i just wanted to make you aware (without sounding rude) that your blog isn't very dyslexia-friendly because of the busy background with the white text. I do like to read your blog posts, but i have to copy the text and paste it onto Microsoft word in order to read it properly:( Just thought I'd let you know... Great blog anyway xxx

    1. Hello! I did not know about this. Thank you for pointing it out for me. :) I will get on to it as soon as possible. :)
