June 11, 2014

Venus & Mars: CPC+G Oil Whitening Treatment

Need something to even out your skin tone? I recently purchased V&M CPC+G Oil a month ago... or should I say, this is actually a repurchase because I have tried this product years ago.

I've also written a review on V&M CPC+G Soap in case you didn't know. Read here. They are both skin lightening treatment to help even out skin tone.

V&M CPC+G Oil Whitening Treatment 20ml [Php235]
Clair Blanche – Papain – Calamansi plus Glutathione! This mixture does not only effectively whiten the skin, it also makes skin healthier because of its Vitamin A, C, E, pottasium and other more essential minerals content! This concoction may be used for the face and body. 
Ingredients: Clair Blanche, Papain, Calamansi, Glutathione

In case some are wondering how the product's name CPC+G originated, it stands for Clair Blanche, Papain, Calamansi plus Gluthatione which are good to help lighten the skin. I really had no idea what it was when I first bought it. So now you know.

What I love about this concentrate is that you can mix it with your lotion, moisturizer or astringent in your skin care. Yes, add drops of this and instantly it is now a whitening concoction. I don't know how it works, but V&M suggested to try it. I can be a little hesitant because certain brands have their own formula... and I don't want to mess things up, if you get my drift.

Directions for Use:Use 1 to 3% or 3 to 6 drops of these babies and mix into your favorite lotion, astringent, cream, moisturizer and EVEN EMU OIL. Emu Oil plus CPC+G is the perfect combo! Emu Oil is the natural oil that penetrates the fastest onto one's skin.
NOTE: If your lotion, astringent, cream or moisturizer has whitening extracts in it, use 1% or 3 drops per 30ml only. 
Hey, what is there to lose? Add few drops of this as recommended in a small batch of your lotion or moisturizer and see how it goes. But if you still feel skeptical, perhaps purchasing other products from V&M would be a better option.

I like it that now this has a convenient pump. My previous purchases of this CPC+G makes it difficult me to control how much I needed, thus it ended up on the floor.

I added a few drops as directed in my favorite body lotion... and, I can't tell for now because some people say my skin has already lightened in the previous years before I start using such as one of these products. I am not saying my skin if perfect; it still has imperfections. I applied my lotion with added drops of CPC+G Oil to even my skin... and I really can't tell for sure.

Sometimes I directly dab a little of this oil to certain areas that needs to lighten while I also use other whitening products. I wouldn't solely rely on this alone. You can browse in their website here. But in my experience, use what ever you think works for you. And with patience, I would say, it did help lighten and brighten certain areas. It wasn't a "Look! My skin is porcelain white" or anything, but it lightened a bit. You can see a difference.

Either way, it didn't caused me allergies or breakouts which is a good thing. A little of this is all you need.

I only used this oil for my body.

Here is an old picture of the product.

Yes, I would repurchase. It made my skin lighten; it wasn't an instant thing, but I can see some difference after a month. Like anyone who wants a healthy skin, be sure to apply sunblock, keep yourself away from the sun especially between 10am-3pm and do exfoliate. Again, don't rely on one product to get results. Use it regularly and patience is key.

Read their blog.
Purchase it here.
Visit their Facebook page.

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