January 4, 2014

Walgreens and Whole Foods Mini Haul

I had this cold and irritated sore throat 2-3 days ago thanks from eating sweets (chocolates and mochi) without drinking water before going to bed! Ugh! When will I ever learn! But even still I had to get up. Lying in bed all day makes me feel worse. 

Before heading home, we ought to buy some stuff at Walgreens. Looking around I bought some stuff... besides cough syrup.

Organix Acai Berry Avocado Shampoo [$8.99] and Conditioner [$8.99]

I wanted to try Organix Moroccan Argan Oil Shampoo and Conditioner and their Organix Macadamia Oil Shampoo and Conditioner. I've already got my eyes on them, till I found this with Acai on it... I changed my mind. I LOVE ACAI! The scent is sooo delicious filled with berries!

EOS Blueberry Acai [$4.29]

There were only two kinds of EOS lip balm: Blueberry Acai and Strawberry Sorbet. Though I love pink (color), I would get the pink EOS lip balm. But again, the acai on this got me straight to my heart. -- and of course its cute egg-shaped packaging! Hmm... Is it just me, or why do I feel I want to collect each of them now?

If I'd be asked if I am a tea, chocolate or coffee drinker, I would definitely say I prefer tea... then chocolate. LOL! It feels so comforting to grab a mug of hot tea or chocolate on a rainy day. You can never go wrong with that.

Twinnings Pure Rooibos Red Tea [$4.24]

Twinnings Chai Tea [$4.25]

Bigelow Chinese Oolong [2 for $7.79]

Bought few items at Whole Foods and had to stop at their tea section. These are the teas bought at Whole Foods weeks ago. (I forgot to blog about it???) There were a lot to choose from and it was so overwhelming! LOL! I had to stick to my guts what I really want so it took me time to choose when I recalled this beauty guru on Youtube who love tea so much, she recommended the Yogi Skin Detox. So that's what I got, while mom chose the Yogi Detox. Next day, I checked online about the product and read reviews. Each cost $4.99.

Yogi Skin DeTox
Supports a Healthy Glow

I didn't realize the Yogi Skin Detox, besides its delicious floral flavor, also helps in clearing acne as it cleanses internally the impurities resulting to clear glowing skin. Of course it says 'Skin Detox' but I wasn't expecting such result for a tea. I tried few tea bags of this and see if it will help clear out some breakouts around my jaw... until I realized my mom also love the Yogi Skin Detox, thus we share. LOL! I cannot give out my opinion on this tea if it helped me get that 'glow' or reduce these breakouts because I did not finish the entire box myself. I simply love its rose and hibiscus note to it which is very freshing and soothing. I love to drink this at night for a more complete skin regimen I suppose you can say.

Yogi DeTox
Supports Healthy Liver and Kidney Function

I tried this once but I didn't like it that much. It has that strong ginger taste to it. I love that it helps to detox your body, but the taste is not for me. I will still drink this tea. It is always good to detox.

Do you prefer tea, coffee or chocolate?

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