March 9, 2014

The Face Shop New Zealand Volcanic Clay Black Head Aloe Nose Strip

Don't you have one of those days you look in the mirror and look real closely at your pores? Those tiny thingies clogging our dear pores making them hard to breathe from dust and sebum throughout the day. Whenever I wash my face, I could touch the bumps and do trust me how tempting it is to squeeze them which can lead to serious scarring in our delicate skin. Yikes! But if you don't remove the whiteheads and blackheads, it can lead to enlargement of the pores. Double yikes!

Pore strips are the answer to help our clogged pores 'breathe'. I have used a variety of pore strips, but it wasn't as good as this one from The Face Shop.

The Face Shop New Zealand Volcanic Clay Black Head Aloe Nose Strip [$6]
The Face Shop Volcanic Clay Blackhead Aloe Nose Strip, formally known as the Blackhead EX Pore Strip, is your go-to product for removing close to 100% of the white and blackheads. The product contains New Zealand Volcanic Clay and has strong blackhead and oily secretion absorption properties. Supported with pore minimizing ingredients, the Volcanic Clay Blackhead Aloe Nose Strip will leave your skin feeling tight and smooth.

How to Use:
Moisten nose area with warm water. Remove the clear lining from the smooth side of the strip and place pore strip on the nose beginning from the tip of the nose moving to the nose wings. Press down firmly to ensure maximum contact. Leave on for 10 to 15 minutes before removing in an upwards motion. Finish off with your favorite Toner to close up those pores.

The box comes in 7 separately packaged strips (SEVEN STRIPS?!) and it claims to remove the impurities in your pores. It has an English and Korean translation on how to use the product too. I forgot to take a picture before I used the pore strip! Here is a link where you can find it. Anyways, the shape of the pore strip contours itself fits snugly around my nose and really feels like paper-thin. Well, pore strips are made to be paper-thin, but this one from The Face Shop just... feels... different; thin and soft unlike the rest I have tried. The scent doesn't bother me at all; all the pore strips I have tried has that same medicine-like scent.

I wash my face to remove the excess oil and dirt and I make sure my face is really wet to help the strip stick to my nose and wait for 15 minutes or until it feels harden. I press it down firmly and it between the nooks and crannies. When it starts to harden like papier mâché, it is time to peel the strip and see that nasty gunk! The tiniest whiteheads on the sides of my nose were removed effectively. I got to say, the other strips I have tried cannot beat that. It wasn't painful when I peeled the strip off my face either. I look at my nose and see how clean it is! I try not to touch my face because my hands are dirty; my pores are open and clean.

I look at the dirty strip and it really feels good to see that away from my skin! I always head to somewhere with a good lighting just to see the whiteheads and blackheads removed. Afterwards, I grab my foaming net to lather my foaming cleanser to wash my face and apply my moisturizer to seal the goodies to keep my skin fresh and extra clean deep from the pore. The skin feels and looks so smooth to touch like a baby's bottom!

I love to use this once a week not only just on my nose, but also on other parts of my face such as the cheeks and forehead for deep clean. I cut the strip in half to do more of its job.

I kind of hope it has more strips per box instead of 7, like 10 or 12 strips?

This nose strip is a definite repurchase!

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