I've heard about these kind of hydrating patches for the eyes and lips, but for smile folds? This one is new to me. People smile everyday, but I guess the more prominent it is (also called nasolabial folds), that causes us to worry. It causes to sag because the ligaments in our mouth loosen due to loss of collagen. Yup! There's that word again -- COLLAGEN.
THE FACE SHOP Modeling Gel Patch Goodbye Smile Fold | $6 USD
Boost up your skin strength with face yoga and this amazing patch! A patch that will crete a lively look around the mouth area by making the skin smooth and resilient.
Face Yoga Smile Fold
1. Make an 'O' shape out of mouth with eyes closed.
2. Keep the 'O' shape and move mouth from left to right. Repeat 10 times.
After the face yoga, peel off the film and stick the patch well around the mouth area.
Take off the patch after 20-40minutes and tap skin lightly to get it absorbed.
I do not think it meant we shouldn't smile everyday because it is quite impossible not to smile. But when it comes to wrinkles, toning them down a bit would benefit a lot in the long run. Prevention is always better than cure.
I let these patches sit around my mouth as I am blogging after I did the face yoga smile for 10 times. It feels nice and moist because of its essence. I do not have huge smile folds but since I am curious on the product, I tried it. It looks kind of funny, but hey, it is all for beauty! The patches are not reusable; discard the patches after use. After 40minutes, I peeled the patch and slightly tap the remaining essence. The expiration date are written at the back too.
I couldn't tell any difference because it is only my first time I used the product. I think I have to use this every single day to get a result but I find it expensive thinking about it. I surely can't buy dozens even though you know I like to keep a back up. It isn't practical to purchase these but awesome just to try something new though I really wouldn't consider it as a must. I could use the money for a cream that really targets for any concerns I may have underneath the skin. These kind of patches seem to only work on the surface and the essence doesn't seem that very moisturising to me.
At least I get to learn how to exercise my facial muscles... but then again, I can always look it up online don't I? I've seen tons of videos from face yoga method, facial massage using Chinese spoons, how to minimize puffiness on the face, or how to get a natural v-shape face! They're everywhere! There are tons of information online and I am committing myself (again) to a list of facial exercises that I have learned a year back. We always work out for our body to keep it toned, our face has also muscles to prevent it from sagging due to gravity. So yes, time to look it up online if you haven't!
I have also mentioned COLLAGEN, the building block in our skin to keep it elastic. Here are the must to know:
1. Stop smoking.
2. Apply sunblock during the day and reapply. Still got to look for shelter from the harmful rays!
3. Do not drink too much alcohol or sodas. Keep oneself hydrated with WATER!
4. Eat food with antioxidants and essential fatty acids like olive oil, avocado, almonds, carrots, broccoli and salmon to hydrate the cells from the inside out.
5. Purchase a hydrating cream rich in collagen and hyaluronic acid.
6. Do not tug your skin too much especially when removing make-up. Treat the face delicately.
7. When taking a shower, you can easily remove any flaky residue on your lips using your finger. Finish it off with a moisturising lip balm.
8. Say kind words to yourself and to other people. Repeated words with jealousy, anger, greed, and gossiping can overtime lead to a 'harsh looking mouth'.
9. Follow the facial exercises regularly to see results.
10. Smile. What's stopping us to smile?
Smile... smile... and smile.